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Pontarddulais Primary School

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Criw Cymraeg

Ein Criw Cymraeg

At Pontarddulais Primary our Criw Cymraeg consists of pupils from Year 3 to Year 6.  The Criw are enthusiastic about promoting and encouraging the use of Welsh throughout our school.  They are excellent role models to others and lead by their example.


Beth yw’r manteision o gael Criw Cymraeg?

What are the benefits of having a Criw Cymraeg?


  • They promote the use of incidental Welsh throughout the school.
  • Maen nhw’n hybu iaith achlysurol drwy’r ysgol.


  • They promote a Welsh ethos throughout the school.
  • Maen nhw’n creu ethos Gymreig.


  • Maen nhw’n hybu brwdfrydedd am yr iaith Gymraeg.
  • They promote enthusiasm for the Welsh language.


The Criw Cymraeg lead playground games in Welsh, they read with younger pupils, promote the ‘Phrase of the week’ and organise fun activities and competitions such as, Diwrnod Shwmae, Dydd Gwyl Dewi and Wythnos Cymraeg.  They lead part of our weekly Seren yr Wythnos assembly and present awards to the Dosbarth yr Wythnos (Class of the Week) and Siaradwr yr Wythnos (Speaker of the week).


The Criw Cymraeg are proud to have achieved the Siarter Iaith Bronze Award, they are now working hard towards achieving the targets set for the Silver Award.  They meet weekly to check the progress the school is making towards achieving the targets, discussing how they can help achieve certain targets and set challenges or tasks for pupils or teachers to achieve. 


Throughout the week, pupils are rewarded with ‘Pwyntiau Cymraeg,’ language points by teachers or members of the Criw Cymraeg for their use of Welsh.  Criw Cymraeg collect the points each week and award the winning KS2 and Foundation Phase class with a certificate, ‘Dosbarth yr wythnos.’  
