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Pontarddulais Primary School

At Pontarddulais Primary School everyone is unique, everyone is important, everyone deserves the very best.

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These tools can be accessed from the home page of our website, or by downloading the 'J2Launch' app on your tablets.

Every child in the school has been provided with their own unique username and password to access the above software. 

Just2easy Infant Tools or JIT is a set of online educational tools specifically designed for younger learners. JIT has a colourful and friendly feel which appeals to reception through to KS2. JIT encourages children to create on the web in a fun and stimulating way. JIT consists of 7 tools, Write, Paint, Turtle, Chart, Pictogram, Animate, and Mix. Every tool builds upon the other and allows a child to progress at their own pace.

J2E is best suited to the older children in KS2. It is so much more than an online word processor. It is a complete suite of advanced online tools of use across the curriculum and develop the children's ICT skills.

Tools include:

Word processing 
Desktop publishing 
Web Drawing 
Data form / collection 
Webpage publishing 
Website creation


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