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Pontarddulais Primary School

At Pontarddulais Primary School everyone is unique, everyone is important, everyone deserves the very best.

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Welcome to the Pontarddulais Primary School website


The main characteristics of the school

Pontarddulais Primary School is a large Primary school for pupils between the ages of 3 and 11. The school is situated in the small town of Pontarddulais, eight miles to the north west of Swansea. The school was last inspected in June 2018. The present head teacher has been in post since September 2017. Pontarddulais Primary School was originally a Secondary Modern School and the building is traditional, large and linear in design. Classes are organised as a two form entry. Teachers work together within specific phase groups and co-operation between Year groups is encouraged.


For example:


Nursery and Reception classes are housed within an Early Years Unit. They share learning areas, staff and other resources. They plan together for Continuous Provision and Focused Tasks. The ethos is one where the sharing of good practice is encouraged and is an integral part of the school day. Both indoor and outdoor activities are carefully planned, reviewed and monitored by all staff. The Year 1 and Year 2 staff work within year group teams closely together to ensure that Focus Tasks, Continuous Provision, and Enhanced Provision are carefully planned. 


Additional rooms include a large gymnasium, a Foundation Phase Hall and a separate canteen. Our well stocked library is situated in the room above the Early Years Unit and houses an extensive range of books as well as modern I.T. technology i.e. iPads, laptops etc. The school also has an ALN room and Family Liaison Room, ELSA room and a reprographics/hub area in the middle of the school where iPads, laptops are securely locked. There are 4 bay window areas situated along the corridor that are used as a shared resource to develop a variety of skills e.g. Maths catch-up, Rapid Phonics, Language Link, FSM activities (TA support).


The school catchment consists mainly of a mixture of traditional private dwellings and a high proportion of local-authority houses situated on two large estates. There are still a number of new housing developments being built within Pontarddulais.
