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Pontarddulais Primary School

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Designated Coordinators (DESCo)

When making a decision whether a child or young person has ALN, the DESCo is the name person in the council who is responsible for co-ordinating what happens when the local authority are responsible for the IDP.


How will the DESCo support my child or young person?

The DESCo will work with you and your child to ensure that their voice is heard. They will organise and chair a Person Centred Review to gather the views of the child or young person as well as everyone supporting that child or young person, and they will get any other information which will help towards a decision being made. If required, the DESCo will then be responsible for preparing and reviewing an Individual Development Plan (IDP).

What if I disagree with something?

The DESCo will work with parents, carers and young people to explain and navigate the relevant ALN processes. However, if there is a disagreement that cannot be resolved by the DESCo, an ALN caseworker can step in to provide advice and support. ALN caseworkers work in an impartial way to support parents, carers, young people and schools to work together to achieve the best educational outcomes for ALN learners.

You can contact the caseworker team via email at

For pre-school children who have an Individual Development Plan (IDP) the DESCo will continue to be a point of contact up until the child enters school and the school takes on the responsibility of the IDP.

How do I contact the DESCo team?

Your child or young person's DESCo will contact you via a phone call. They will make initial contact to introduce themselves, explain the process and to gain consent to continue with the process. They will then share their contact information with you in a follow up letter.

You can contact the team via email at
