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Pontarddulais Primary School

At Pontarddulais Primary School everyone is unique, everyone is important, everyone deserves the very best.

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Year 2 EJ

Croeso i Blwyddyn Dau

Welcome to Year 2


Class Teachers: Mrs E.John 

Supporting Staff: Mrs S. Mitchell 

Our weekly timetable 



Whole school celebration assembly -

Your child can bring in their achievement's 

and reward's to show the school. 

Wednesday Mr Beynon - P.E & ICTMrs Santimanto - Forest School 
Thursday RAP Time (reflect & plan) 

Ben  - To go home with a pupil

Homework - Maths homework via Bug Club 

Friday Mrs R. Howells to cover Mrs John 



  • Maths homework will be set every Thursday afternoon and will be an interactive game to consolidate the weeks learning. This is to be completed over the weekend and the following week and will be monitored by class teachers. If you need to have a copy of your child's log in details, please ask a member of the Year 2 team. 



  •  Reading books need to be returned daily as we do not have 1 set day where we read. We read and change your child's book as often as we can during the week. Please use the reading record to communicate your child's progress to us. For example; finished book\ read to pg7\needed some help with this book\found the word 'there' tricky. 



  • All children are taught a cursive handwriting style as part of our school handwriting policy. Please practise this regularly at home.



  • Please wear appropriate clothing and footwear to school on Wednesday for PE sessions.


Forest School

  •  Please ensure your child wears appropriate clothing and footwear suitable for weather conditions. Waterproof clothes/spare clothes and boots can be kept in school. 



  • Please can you provide your child with a healthy fruit/veggie snack and bottle of water for their play time. 



  • Ben is our much loved class mascot who speaks Welsh. He chooses to go home with a Year 2 child every Thursday until the following Thursday (don't worry there is a list to ensure all children have a turn). During this week you can include Ben in all your activities and day to day routines of your week, e.g. shopping trips, after school activities, trips to the park/beach or anything your child chooses to bring Ben along to. Ben is a wonderful chance for the children to show you thier fantastic Welsh skills. They will share their time with Ben every Thursday. 



Year 2 Topics 


Autumn Spring Summer 
Belonging Sustainability Celebrations 


Autumn Term Learning Project

Twitter/ ’X’ & School website

We will update Twitter/X (@PontarddulaisSc) using the hashtag #Bontyear2 regularly with our experiences, activities and learning from across the school. Our whole school ethos is reflected, and you can keep track of your child’s learning and experiences. 
