Special Schools
The majority of children / young people with additional learning needs will have their needs met in a mainstream school. Where this is not appropriate, and more support is required, specialist provision can help.
There are two special schools in Swansea:
- Ysgol Crug Glas is for children / young people aged 3-19 years old with complex and profound learning difficulties. Autism with severe learning difficulties (ages 3-19).
- Ysgol Pen-y-Bryn is for children / young people aged 3-19 with severe learning difficulties including autistic spectrum disorder and many have associated communication, behavioural and / or sensory difficulties.
Who can go to a special school?
Sometimes children / young people might need to go to a special school if their needs are profound and multiple and significantly greater than those who can access the curriculum in a mainstream setting. Whilst your wishes and feelings will be important, the decision will be made at a multi-agency placement panel.
Who is involved in a multi-agency panel?
A multi-agency panel is made up of council officer, headteachers, ALNCos, speech and language therapists, specialist teachers, social workers, educational psychologists and SNAP Cymru. They work together to look at the information which has been shared to make recommendations regarding provision and support.
I think my child / young person needs to go to a special school. How do I apply?
You need to discuss this with your child / young person's current school. The school can facilitate a Person Centred Review meeting where your concerns are listened to and recorded. The school will need to gather information and share with the council. We will take this to a multi-agency panel of experts, who will decide if this is appropriate for your child / young person.
Who decides if my child / young person can go to a special school?
This decision is made by multi-agency placement panel, who will consider the needs of your child / young person. Placement panel decisions always take into account the parents and school's views and have to work on the evidence provided to them.