Individual Developmental Plan (IDP)
We want children and young people with additional learning needs (ALN) to get the most they can from nursery, school or college. To do this they need a clear plan.
When does the IDP get reviewed?
How do I know if my child has an IDP?
I want my child to have an IDP. What do I do?
My child has learning difficulties. Why don't they have an IDP?
What is an IDP?
Children and young people with additional learning needs (ALN) that require additional learning provision (ALP) will have a plan to support them. This will be called an Individual Development Plan or IDP for short.
If your child has been identified as having an additional learning need requiring additional learning provision, they will receive an IDP. An IDP is a statutory document that will record details of your child including:
- A description of your child's ALN.
- The additional learning provision that has been agreed.
- Who is responsible for delivering the ALP (local authority, school or health).
- Agreed outcomes that your child will work towards.
The image shows an example of what an IDP looks like here in Swansea:
How is the IDP made?
The plan is made through a multi-agency approach with input from your child / young person. Multi-agency approach means that different people involved in your child / young person's education can input their views into the plan, this includes both you and the child / young person. This usually happens in a person centred meeting.
Who uses the IDP?
The IDP is to be used by everyone; early years settings, schools / colleges, parents, professionals and anyone involved in supporting your child's learning journey.
What is a One Page Profile?
The IDP plan will also include a One Page profile (OPP) which is a short simple summary of what is important to a child or young person and how they want to be supported.
The image shows an example of what a One Page profile might look like:
When does the IDP get reviewed?
The Individual Development Plan will be reviewed:
- at least once every 12 months
- when someone asks for it to be reviewed
- when anything changes for the child or young person.
Local authorities, schools and colleges must keep reviewing the IDP to ensure it remains relevant and meets the needs of your child best.
How do I know if my child has an IDP?
If you are unsure, ask the setting, school or college. Speak to the teacher or the Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCo) and they will be able to advise you.
I want my child to have an IDP. What do I do?
You need to speak to the class teacher. They will work with you to decide if your child has an additional learning need and if they require an IDP.
My child has learning difficulties. Why don't they have an IDP?
A child / young person can have learning difficulties which are not classed as ALN. This means that they are being supported in class with universal provision, which is support available to all children.
Individual Development Plan referral
An Individual Development Plan (IDP) is a plan created and agreed by those people most closely involved with supporting a child or young person, including parents / carers.