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Pontarddulais Primary School

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Speech and Language Difficulties

Learning a language takes time, and children / young people vary in how quickly they master milestones in language and speech development.

Sometimes children / young people can find different aspects of speech and language to learn and may need help. They may not master the language milestones at the same time as other children / young people, and it may be a sign of a speech or language difficulty.

General signs

There are many signs of a speech and language difficulty; here are some general signs that could indicate your child / young person has a speech and language difficulty:

  • Not understanding what others say
  • Not hearing the words
  • Not knowing the words to use
  • Difficulty with forming specific words or sounds correctly
  • Difficulty with making words or sentences flow smoothly, like stuttering or stammering
  • Language delay - the ability to understand and speak develops more slowly than is typical
  • Difficulty understanding the meaning of the sounds that the ear sends to the brain.

Next steps

If you are concerned that your child / young person may have speech and language difficulties and that it is impacting their learning, talk to your child / young person's school / college. Speak to the class teacher or Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCo) and they will be able to work with you and work out what happens next. If your child is under 5 years old, you need to speak to your Health Visitor.
