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Pontarddulais Primary School

At Pontarddulais Primary School everyone is unique, everyone is important, everyone deserves the very best.

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Playground Friends/Health Heroes

Our Playground friends have been trained and are ‘Good-to-go!'


The Year 5/6 children came up with a ‘Job description’, ‘Top tips for being a Playground Friend’ and identified the ‘Skills & Qualities’ needed to make the Playground a SAFE & HAPPY place for every child! They are easily identifiable on the yard with their sunny ‘Yellow hats’.


The Year 6’s will be our ‘Health heroes’ and are busy creating our ‘COSY CABIN’, ready for children who need a safe, quiet space on the yard at break times to access books, mindfulness colouring and stress toys or to ‘drop-in’ for a ‘chat’ with a Health hero. We hope this space ensures everyone enjoys their playtimes at Pontarddulais Primary School.

