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Pontarddulais Primary School

At Pontarddulais Primary School everyone is unique, everyone is important, everyone deserves the very best.

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In Humanities, the children will learn about the world, society and events in the past and the resent. They'll explore the challenges and opportunities that face us, and what ethical action we can take to safeguard the world and its people in the future.


You can view all photos of what the children do for Humanities by following the Twitter/X link, #BontHum

Academic Year 2022-2023

Blwyddyn Chwech identifying similarities and difference between Wales and Qatar

Blwyddyn Un learning the importance of churches in our area

Blwyddyn Un looking at old pictures of our area

Blwyddyn Pump using the 2001 census to find out some facts

Blwyddyn Un exploring their local area

Blwyddyn Dau talking about rainforests

Blwyddyn Pump having fun at Big Pit

Coal is King workshop with Blwyddyn Pump

Blwyddyn Pump learning about the Aberfan disaster and reacting to a poem

Still image for this video

Dosbarth Derbyn making and using their own Farm Shop

Blwyddyn Pump Having Victorian Schooling at Swansea Waterfront Museum and watching 'The Trial of Eglan Jones' at Theatr Nanog. They found him not guilty of murder, but guilty of trespassing

Blwyddyn Pedwar walking around Pontarddulais and learning about their locality

Blwyddyn Dau learning about Rainforests

Before 2022

Year 3 - Researching how climate friendly our area is, creating bar charts and interpreting data

Year 3 - Geography Researching where fruit comes from

Year 6 doing Geography through Welsh linking to the 6 Nations

Exploring Easter traditions - Easter fun in Foundation Phase

Exploring Outdoors - Signs of Spring Walk and Making Natural Bird feeders

Year 5 Giving their opinion on what technology they would like to see in city centres in the future via a Techno Camps virtual session

Cynefin - Learning about the life of Dewi Sant and St David's Day Celebrations in the Foundation Phase

Global Citizens - Fairtrade Fortnight Activities

1st group of WWII presentations done in Miss Thomas' class. They were fabulous! Articulate, confident and full of personal family stories. Bendigedig! #oracy #ambitiouscapablelearners

Applying their understanding and research of World War 2 to create a board game
