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Pontarddulais Primary School

At Pontarddulais Primary School everyone is unique, everyone is important, everyone deserves the very best.

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Swansea City

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As we approach half term next week, we wanted to send a short video to the Children from Swansea City, from some of the players, to let them know we think they are doing an amazing job and to keep up the hard work!

Online Safety Movie

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A wonderful video designed as part of the Welsh Government's competition through HWB to design a 2-minute video about online safety. Sadly we did not make the finals, but the children did an amazing job. All of this is their work, from story-writing, filming, acting and editing.

You've Got a Friend 4 Days of Summer

A Music video created by our Year 5 class as part of our Creativity Week, coinciding with an album of four songs under the name 4 Days of Summer

Pontarddulais Primary School Ambassadors

A PowerPoint designed by our school ambassadors, a group of Year 6 pupils explaining what we do as a school

Pontarddulais Primary Carpool Karaoke

See how staff at Pontarddulais Primary School get to work in the morning.
