PTFA-Parents Teachers Friends Association
Current PTFA
A little bit about the PTFA.
In September 2018 a new committee took over the PTFA of Pontarddulais Primary school. We have been busy organising events, arranging forthcoming dates and promoting the PTFA through social media and notice boards. We are now on Facebook. Instagram and Twitter.
We have been very fortunate to have a good response with many parents and grandparents volunteering to help.
We have had a successful first half term, the school disco raised £630 profit and the cake sale raised £170. We have had very positive feedback from these events and are pleased with how well they have been recieved. We have planned another disco and a school fete for the future. The new incentive of a vintage tea gathered lots of interest with many tickets being sold and was a huge success.
The Year 6 Christmas coffee morning drew the crowds and fun was had by all and a great total raised.
We look forward to organising more successful events during the coming year.
We are hoping to continue to support the school with applying for funding applications, applying for a defibrillator and life support training and looking at yard adventure areas. Supporting the school in any way we are needed.
So far we have been successful in our application to sports wales community chest in gaining funding for foundation phase balance bikes. We have supported the cookery club with buying ingredients and are looking to gift books to the chapter chasers.
We are always looking for help and new ideas from anyone wishing to join us. Follow us on social media or meet us on the yard. It’s a great way to make friends and help the school with funding much needed resources for our children.
Event Posters
Previous PTFA
The staff and pupils would like to thank the previous PTFA team for the fantastic resources given to the school.
The team worked so hard to raise money for us and we are very grateful!
The resources they have provided will benefit all children and considerably enrich their learning .
The images below show a small example of some of the Art, ICT, Play and PE resources purchased!