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Pontarddulais Primary School

At Pontarddulais Primary School everyone is unique, everyone is important, everyone deserves the very best.

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Sensory Needs Team

The Sensory Needs Team is there to support children / young people who have an additional need.


They support children / young people who are / have:

  • D/deaf learners.
  • Visual impairment.
  • Habilitation - support and training for children and young people with a vision impairment.


Who works in the team?

The team is made up of specialist teachers and specialist teaching assistants who provide support to pupils. Training, support and advice is also shared with schools and parents.

How will they support my child / young person?

Specialists offer advice and guidance to children / young people, families and schools on accessibility issues. A high percentage of children / young people in receipt of this service are supported in mainstream school.

How does my child / young person access the team?

You will need to speak to your child / young person's class teacher or Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCo). They will be able to listen to your concerns and work out next steps.
