Reception News and Events 2018-19
Summer Term 2019
Sports Day - Monday 8th July 2019
Enterprising Creative Contributors Week - Whole School Assembly and Creative Day - Tuesday 9th July
Market Stalls - Thursday 10th July 3.30pm -
Tuesday 18th July - Transition for pupils to year one classes and teachers
Wednesday 17th July - Foundation Phase trip to Margam Park
Llys Nini RSPCA Visit
Croeso i Dosbarth Derbyn
Spring Term 2019
Class information, news and upcoming events will be available to view soon.
PE sessions - Tuesday morning.
We will be exploring gymnastics this term.
Forest School - Friday morning.
Please wear suitable outdoor clothing or old school uniform.
Reading books/homework - Taken home every Thursday.
Please return on Mondays.
Snack money for this half term is £6.00 please.