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School/College Transport

Frequently asked questions about additional learning needs transport to and from school or college.


I have received feedback from the Additional Learning Needs Panel that my child / young person is eligible for home to school transport, what happens next?

My child / young person is eligible for transport, how long will it take to put the provision in place?

Does Swansea Council provide transport for my child / young person to attend their specialist teaching facility or special school?

I have exercised my parental preference to determine which school my child / young person who has a Statement of SEN or IDP attends. What does this mean in regard to transport eligibility?

How is the walking route measured?

Transport is not mentioned in my child's / young person's Statement of SEN or Individual Development Plan. Why?

My child / young person is eligible for transport, and I want to request a specific transport operator to take my child to school, is this possible?

My child / young person attends a post-16 course, are they eligible for transport?

Will my child / young person be picked up from college at a set time?

Will transport be provided for the duration of the course?

My child is not eligible for transport, however I feel that transport is necessary. Is there a request mechanism for non-eligible pupils?

I'd like some more information on what the council is governed by, where transport is concerned?

Where can I find more information?



I have received feedback from the Additional Learning Needs Panel that my child / young person is eligible for home to school transport, what happens next?
The Additional Learning Needs Panel will consider home to school transport when deciding on the nearest suitable school for a child / young person. If the named nearest suitable school is over the statutory distance, the child / young person will be 'automatically eligible' for transport. The school your child / young person is going to attend will complete a transport request form which is usually done in the admissions meeting. It is important that this form is filled in fully so transport providers are aware of your child's / young person's need(s).

My child / young person is eligible for school / college transport, how long will it take to put the provision in place?
If your child / young person is eligible for transport, the school / college your child / young person is going to will complete a transport request form. It may take ten working days for transport to commence. On rare occasions, it may take longer due to operator availability.

Does Swansea Council provide transport for my child / young person to attend their specialist teaching facility or special school?
The Learner Travel (Wales) Measure 2008 requires local authorities to provide transport for eligible pupils. The council provides home to school transport to learners if their nearest suitable school is, or further than, the statutory distance. For primary school aged pupils they must be of compulsory school age and resident or looked after by the council. They must also be attending their nearest suitable or designated school and be living two miles or more away from that school. For secondary aged pupils, they must live three or more miles from that school.

I have exercised my parental preference to determine which school my child / young person who has a Statement of SEN or IDP attends. What does this mean in regard to transport eligibility?
If a parent exercises their parental preference when determining which school their child / young person attends and the chosen school is not the nearest suitable school agreed by the council, the learner is not entitled to free transport provision - even if the learner meets the distance or age criteria usually entitling them to free transport provision under section 6 of the measure (1.46 of the Learner Travel Statutory Provision and Operational Guidance (2014).

How is the walking route measured?
Under Section 3(7) of the Measure, the walking distance should be measured by the 'shortest available route'. A route is considered to be available if it is safe (as far as reasonably practicable) for a learner without a disability or learning difficulty to walk the route alone or with an accompanying adult if the learner's age and levels of understanding requires this. The walking route is measured from where the home address meets the highway to the school ie. not 'postcode to postcode'.

Transport is not mentioned in my child's / young person's Statement of SEN or Individual Development Plan. Why?
The provision of transport is fluid. Eligibility may change due to address changes, change of school (via ALN Panel and / or transition), change of catchments and through parental preference. Therefore, transport is not included on the Statement of SEN or IDP.

My child / young person is eligible for school / college transport, and I want to request a specific transport operator to take my child to school, is this possible?
Sometimes, parents / carers request that the learner has a specific operator to transport them if the mode of transport is taxi-based passenger transport. The council tenders contracts through frameworks (where available) and must be compliant with procurement regulations, therefore we are unable to specify specific vehicle operators. Suppliers are monitored to ensure they comply with the specified standards of contracts. Further information regarding the tendering of council contracts can be found on our tendering for contracts page.

My child / young person attends a post-16 course, are they eligible for transport?
There is no requirement for local authorities to provide school or college transport for free to learners who are more than compulsory school age. However, Swansea Council currently uses its discretionary powers and provides transport to children / young people who meet the criteria of minimum distance (three miles). If the designated school or linked college does not offer the particular course of study that the student requires, transport will be provided to the nearest school / college that offers the course if it meets the minimum distance criteria.

Will my child / young person be picked up from college at a set time?
Transport is provided at the start and end of the recognised college day, for instance 9.00am until 4.00pm. Transport is not provided for ad hoc attendance or provided during gaps in the timetabled day.

Will transport be provided for the duration of the course?
Transport arrangements are reviewed regularly to determine whether the provision remains suitable, the local authority continues to promote independent travel.

My child / young person is not eligible for transport, however I feel that transport is necessary. Is there a request mechanism for non-eligible pupils?
Transport arrangements for a learner with ALN will depend on their individual circumstances and the route they must travel. Section 4 of the Learner Travel (Wales) Measure stipulates if a learner of compulsory school / college age cannot walk (accompanied or unaccompanied) to their nearest suitable school, because of a disability or learning difficulty which they have, even if the distance to their nearest suitable school is less than the statutory limit for their age group, Section 4 of the Measure places a duty on local authorities to make suitable travel arrangements for that child. The local authority will need to consider what arrangements are appropriate to facilitate the learner's attendance at school in accordance with their learner travel policy.

If the learner is not automatically eligible for transport, parents may submit a Travel Assistance Request (TAR) form should they feel transport is necessary. The local authority will determine how assistance will be provided, if agreed. There is no guarantee that private transport taxi / minibus based passenger transport) will be provided, assistance may be in the form of a bus pass.

Information considered with the TAR will include an assessment from the transport team, such as available walking routes and the availability of public transport. The learners' Statement of Special Educational Needs or Individual Development Plan will also be considered by the decision maker(s).

After the decision has been made by the ALN Panel, the requestor will be sent a decision notice, which informs the outcome of the TAR review. The purpose of the decision notice is to outline the type of transport assistance offered (if applicable), notable dates, outline review procedures, to list the evidence considered, details of consultations (if applicable), details of legislation and guidance considered, factors taken into consideration and the rationale for the decision. Details of further appeal options are included on the decision notice.

I'd like some more information on what the council is governed by, where transport is concerned?
The legislation and guidance the council is governed by that are concerned with home to school transport are:

  • The Learner Travel (Wales) Measure 2008;
  • Learner Travel Statutory Provision and Operational Guidance (2014);
  • Swansea Council's Home to School Transport policy (2015).

Where can I find more information?
More information can be found on our school transport pages
