Activities for School Closure Summer Term 2020
ICT Coding Challenge 3
ICT Coding Challenge 2
ICT Coding challenge
Week 1: Star Challenges
Welcome to the Year 5 Star Challenge.
We hope that you enjoy the first set of challenges that we have prepared for you.
We also hope that you and your families are all safe and well. The weather this week is also looking promising, so remember to enjoy in the sun when possible.
The challenges cover all Areas of Learning and should make the learning at home as enjoyable as possible.
Please remember to share you work on Twitter and upload to your HWB/J2e files.
Please also, challenge yourselves on some of the HWB programmes that are available to you like J2Blast: Spell Blaster and TT Blast - they are lots of fun if you like a challenge. You might see your teachers having a go too!
Have fun this week and we really look forward to seeing your wonderful work.
We are all missing you and can't wait to see you again.
The Year 5 Team
Year 5 All Star Challenge Card Week 1
Year 5 All Star Challenge Card: Week 2
Year 5: All Star Challenge Week 3
Year 5: All Star Challenge Week 4 - 'Working Whispers"
Copperopolis Song
This week, your challenges are based on the work that we have covered through our 'Working Whispers' project.
There is also a link to the 'Working Whispers' web page which you can enjoy looking at, remembering some of the experiences that you have had.
We hope that you enjoy these challenges, some of your work may end up on the new 'Working Whispers' web page.
Year 5: All Star Challenge Card: Week 5
Year 5: All Star Challenge - Week 6
TEAMS: As well as enjoying the All Star Challenges this week, come and join us on TEAMS. This work can also be found there.